Meet Me at the Convergence
Meet Me At The Convergence
Carry That Weight

Carry That Weight

The Time of the Lone Wolf is Over

How to work with the delusion of being overly responsible. In a world of interbeing, the truth is, that you are never alone or the only one holding the bag or burden. We are always in service to each other.

Venus in Virgo

Golden Slumber/Carry that Weight


Meet Me at the Convergence
Meet Me At The Convergence
A convergence is where two or more flows or currents meet and create an upwelling or downwelling. This coming together, or yoking of energies can lead to interesting things. ​Join Cynthia on a journey of stories from the past and glimpses into the future. Often a channelled message comes through and sometimes a special guest comes for an interesting conversation. You are sure to leave feeling inspired and comforted that you are not alone. Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
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Choying Maesis