Meet Me at the Convergence
Meet Me At The Convergence
The Field of Unknowing

The Field of Unknowing

A crisis of faith opens the Creatrix

What happens in the face of a crisis of faith, when everything and everyone you thought you could “count on" is ripped out from beneath you?

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Meet Me at the Convergence
Meet Me At The Convergence
A convergence is where two or more flows or currents meet and create an upwelling or downwelling. This coming together, or yoking of energies can lead to interesting things. ​Join Cynthia on a journey of stories from the past and glimpses into the future. Often a channelled message comes through and sometimes a special guest comes for an interesting conversation. You are sure to leave feeling inspired and comforted that you are not alone. Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
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Choying Maesis