Meet Me at the Convergence
Meet Me At The Convergence
The Void

The Void

Exploring this identity complex called Self

My mom died at the end of May. It has sparked a remarkable journey into the nature and process of identity.

I had no idea how formative she was to my identity complex and all the false selves I created in response.

With her death, I returned to this old safe place of the void. Alone but safe. A coping mechanism of dimming the light within me so that I could feel loved and accepted by others.

Tsunami waves of grief washed away this old identity structure in the wake of her passing. And what is emerging is a joyful, playful creative expression of life. A child whose light is not dimmed.

And my mom's spirit, the Universal Great Mother, cheering me on in every moment.


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Meet Me at the Convergence
Meet Me At The Convergence
A convergence is where two or more flows or currents meet and create an upwelling or downwelling. This coming together, or yoking of energies can lead to interesting things. ​Join Cynthia on a journey of stories from the past and glimpses into the future. Often a channelled message comes through and sometimes a special guest comes for an interesting conversation. You are sure to leave feeling inspired and comforted that you are not alone. Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
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Choying Maesis